These are some questions frequently asked about counselling and psychotherapy.

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How does it work?

Counselling works on many levels. Humans are complicated animals and operate in different ways for many reasons. This is very confusing because nothing is neat and tidy. Therapy will be different for different people. Depending on what your childhood was like, what you want to achieve and your innate personality. This is why talking to independent therapist is very different from talking to a friend. Psychotherapy or counselling is about working on a deep level and the root of problems. Evolving perception and integrating it.

What does therapy help with?

Therapy is particularly helpful if you have an inquisitive mind and are frustrated by finding yourself stuck in debilitating behaviours and patterns. You probably know on some level how you would like your life to be, but cannot find the right way forward or are not sure have right tools your disposal?

Therapy is a way of building blocks and then choosing them carefully to build your life back up, the way you want it.

What kind of therapy?

Therapy is not a "one size fits all" practice. I am an integrative psychotherapist which means I studied the core theoretical approaches and adapt them specifically to each individual's needs. I listen to you, what you are saying and how you are saying it. I ask you questions and I try to get you to focus on how you feel rather than what you think. We work together as a team and like to invite humour the room to appropriate.

Do I need counselling?

You don't need to have a specific presenting issue to try talking therapy. Sometimes, it helps to just think of it as a way of keeping yourself healthy, much like you might choose your food carefully or the gym to keep your body in good shape. We live in a busy world and its easy to get overwhelmed, sometimes by seemingly small glitches, but sometimes we experience genuine trauma and don't even realise. You might have felt that you have wanted therapy for a long time, or you might just feel that it could useful right now. Either way therapy has proven to help.

What is the difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy?

Counselling and Psychotherapy are very similar and the two words are often interchangeable. Psychotherapy is effectively a deeper version of counselling. A psychotherapist will have had to undergone a significantly longer and more challenging training than a counsellor. However the experience of either from the perspective of a client may not seem that different; especially at the start.

What is the difference between Counselling and Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is a division of the medical profession. A psychiatrist is doctor who specialises in mental health. Treatment by psychiatrist will usually include specific diagnosis and/or prescription of pharmaceutical medication, such as anti-depressants. I am not a psychiatrist and therefore I can neither prescribe medication nor advise on it.

What is CBT?

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It is talking therapy that gained popularity in recent years and is commonly offered as a quick fix for acute problems such as anxiety and phobias. A cognitive behavioural therapist is likely to draw out diagrams of thinking patterns and give you homework. CBT can be very effective in the short term, however it rarely addresses the source of the issue, meaning it is not uncommon for clients to relapse relatively quickly. While not a cognitive behavioural therapist, sometimes apply practical theory if fitting, but always within an integrative framework.

What are the different approaches?

Most people think of Freud when they think of psychotherapy. However, the field has developed a lot since the times of Freud. During my training I studied Psychoanalysis, Object Relations, Attachment Theory, Humanistic, Existential, Body Psychotherapy and the Transpersonal. They were all initiated by pioneers of their time and subsequently integrated into modern psychotherapy. Along with discoveries in neuroscience, today psychotherapy is an advanced discipline which continues to expand.

How long does it take for therapy to work?

There is no precise time frame for therapy to work. However, I offer both short-term (6 to 10 weeks) and long-term (open ended) depending on therapy. You will likely begin to feel better within a few sessions. However, in long-term therapy, there will ups and downs, as we work through sensitive material. It is important to maintain safe and trusting relationship so you feel confident to express your fears and we can work on them together.