Counselling Services

I offer an array of different services depending on what is most suitable for your situation.

Please read through the descriptions below to get an idea of what you can expect from these different options.

You can use the contact form to ask me any questions.

Face to Face

This is what we think of as traditional therapy. I meet with you alone and we talk together in a room, separate from any one in complete confidentiality.

The change of setting from your everyday life is important. It helps you to focus by taking you away from your normal distractions, such as work and family life.

It allows you to revisit past events in a safe space. What happens in the room always remains in the room.

Being face to face facilitates me in tuning into what I am picking up as you speak. It also allows for real eye contact which is important.


Modern day living is a little crazy at the moment isn't it?

The recent Corona Virus outbreak has made this an even more pressing issue.

But even without the pandemic, our daily lives demand a lot from us and sometimes it is not possible to be physically present, even if we might like to be.

Your work might require you to travel often, or you may have dependents such as children or sick relatives who might need your assistance without notice.

Online therapy can be very effective. It is different from face to face but it allows you to make time for self and focus on what you need, with the help of a professional therapist to guide you through.

Short term

I offer all my new clients short term counselling to begin with.

I find this really helps make the whole process feel less intimidating and helps keep a goal in sight of what we want to achieve within a specific time frame.

Short term psychotherapy allows you to get a good sense of what therapy is like and and understanding of whether it is a process that works for you. However, due to the limited number of sessions it is not for addressing much deeper issues. These can be explored in long-term therapy, which I offer to all my existing clients after we have concluded the initial 5.

Long term

Long term counselling is open ended, it means we do not have any specific time frame in which to achieve anything. This is important because so much of our lives are focused on 'achieving' and 'goals'.

Open-ended therapy allows for much deeper exploration of issues and is great for anyone who feels they have been living with a long-term problems, such as depression, anxiety, chronic illness or abuse.

Although long term therapy is open-ended, the client is of course free to decide when he or she wants to end the treatment at any time. Although I always advise to bring this up during a session so we can discuss the ending without it being too abrupt.


Couples therapy is all about finding ways of relating more effectively, so each members feels understood.

When two people share their lives together (whether cohabiting or not), their plans for the future and their intimacy; they become intertwined in ways that can become very difficult to untangle.

It is easy to fall into bad habits of blaming, being jealous or wanting to retreat from the relationship.

Understanding where these feeling are coming from and why certain behaviours are so triggering, can completely change the way we see the other person. This helps to relate to each other in a genuine and deeper way.

When I work with couples, my goal is to make sure both parties are given equal space to talk and that each is heard properly. I am careful to bring balance to a difficult situation and encourage sensitivity.


Home is where the heart is?

There is no escaping the truth, most of our psychological issues are rooted in our upbringing and the way we were treated as we developed from a young age into adulthood.

There is no perfect childhood for anyone, but for some, home life is particularly traumatic and it is not always obvious why.

How we face these issues and deal with reparation is essential.

If you are worried about your home life, whether you are a parent or a teenager, whether you are still living with your family or not; family therapy can be a way to address issues in the present with the people who affect us the most.