A Safe Place to Talk

Find a Therapist in Florence

Counselling in English

Safe and confidential help for

expats and students in Florence & Tuscany

Special Offer


off first session

How I can help you

I offer range of services to suit different needs

If you are not sure what you are looking for please feel free to contact me and ask!

face to face

We meet in person


We schedule video call, either on

whatsapp, or zoom

short term

Useful when you have a specific problem you want to address

long term

For long term solution


Facilitating couples to communicate


Healing difficult dynamics in the family

For adults and teenagers of 16years+

My name is Eleanor, I am a UK qualified psychotherapist from London. I offer counselling in English to anyone who is looking for safe and professional support.

I hold an MA and Advanced Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling, awarded by the Minster Centre and Middlesex University, UK, in 2008.ca for sale

If you have found this website it is because you are thinking about starting therapy. I know that seeking a counsellor can be a daunting experience. How do you know how to choose? Making decisions when we are stressed and overwhelmed is very hard. But I am here to help you. If you book a session with me, we can talk about what you are looking for and discuss ways that will be helpful to your unique situation. The good news is you have just made your first big step on your way to recovery!

What clients say

When I started with Eleanor, I thought I knew why I wanted to start therapy. But in fact Eleanor helped me find out so much more than the reasons I had originally thought about. I felt as if I could open up to her in a way that I hadn't before and she helped me explore some of my deepest inner feelings without being invasive or me feeling timid. I will take what we spoke about into my future and the rest of my life, my experience with Eleanor has been one of the most challenging but most rewarding things in my life and I thank her endlessly for it.

E, 35

When I came to Eleanor for help, I had been through a very difficult ordeal. Eleanor helped me heal emotionally and also guided me to reconnect with my body. I was hurt and unaware of the real extent of my pain. She taught me to be kind and compassionate with myself and to take care of the little child in me. She also shed light on the relationship between my emotional health and physical health and until today I apply a lot of what I've learnt with her.

L, 28

It took me a long time to finally decide to try counselling after thinking about it for years. Looking back I wished I'd done it earlier. I was really nervous about being judged and finding out that my problems were too big... I was scared of what I might discover! Seeing Eleanor, was a powerfully reassuring experience. She was my therapist for over a year and at times it was difficult for me, but she was an anchor for me during the tough times. What is great now, is that I can still remember the things she told me and they continue to help me even today.

R, 44

I went to see Eleanor once a week for several months and, by the end of that time, I had made some big decisions and started to view some of my issues in a different light. I used to look forward to my sessions - I cried, I laughed and I always went out the door with something new to think about. Eleanor gently coaxed me to challenge my understanding of past situations when she thought it necessary causing me to reevaluate my reactions to certain events and look at some hidden feelings that I had spent a lot of time sweeping under the carpet. She was also a sympathetic and entirely non-judgmental listener and I felt very comfortable talking to her. I found counselling to be a genuinely valuable and oddly enjoyable experience. I would not hesitate to recommend Eleanor to anyone in need of some support and a fresh look at their life.

L, 35

This was my first experience of counselling, I went into it without any set aims or expectations, and overall it has had a very positive and also formative effect on me. Having a space and time where I had the freedom and security to unload was incredibly important and all credit goes to Eleanor for creating that space. Eleanor always tried to understand my point of view but she also challenged me where I needed a different perspective, which in my own case was important.

Thoroughly recommended.

S, 41


20% off First Session

It's time to get started! The long summer is over and now it is time to get back to work. Maybe you are returning to Florence after the break or maybe this is your first time here.

Getting off to a good start can really help you settle and set you on course for the rest of the academic year

This is why I am offering a special discount to anyone who is looking for help at this time.

All you need to do is follow me on instagram or like my FB page, then contact me using the form below.

How does it work?

If you are feeling unsure about the idea of therapy then you are not alone.

Most people are wary, not sure what to expect or fear it might not work.

Below are a few short answers to some common queries and you can read more at the FAQs

Why Counselling?

Do you have a specific issue you want to address? Or you are suffering from anxiety and can't seem to shake it?Maybe you have some good days, but then very quickly you feel bad again?Whatever the reason, getting in touch is a way of clarifying what you need to do next. You will get a new perspective on your life and make choices that are right for you.

How does it work?

Counselling works because it gives you the opportunity to explore difficult feelings within a safe and confidential space. Therapy helps you join the dots. When you understand why you feel the way you do; you start to make choices that change the situation in a way that last more than a few days or weeks. Even life long problems can be resolved by talking in therapy.

What kind of therapy?

There are lots of ways we can work together. I am an integrative psychotherapist, the therapy I provide is one of the most effective methods available. Never applying 'One-size-fits-all' theory, I listen to your unique perspective. I don't assume I know how you feel and I try to encourage you to express yourself in your own words. My aim is help you feel more confident about who you are.

Build self-confidence

Most of us have moments of self-doubt.

Anxiety, and stress are normal parts for life. But there can times when we feel like we've hit a brick wall.

This doesn't have to be an all bad experience, this can actually be a great opportunity to re-evaluate our lives, our purposes and build new life-goals.

Know yourself

The first step to getting control of your life is getting to know the real you.

Right now, you might be living your life according to what other people expect.

We can discuss this together and look at how some of your life choices may be impacting on your happiness and which ones are worth changing.

Take no more BS!

Once you are confident in your skin and know that the choices you are making are the best ones for you, you will feel much stronger. replica horloges

You will also be able to recognise that some relationships in your life are not healthy (neither for you nor the other person), and will not feel guilty for standing up for yourself and / or asking to have your needs met.


For all enquiries, please email eleanor@findatherapist.org.uk

My office is situated in the heart of the city of Florence close to piazza Republica - on Via degli Stozzi, 2, Firenze, Italia.
It is a cozy niche on the first floor landing of the Hotel Pendini at the Relax studio; where you will also find other therapeutic services such as massage, pilates and yoga classes.
Only 10 minute walk from S.M.N. train station

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact me using the email above.

I look forward to hearing from you.